Cleveland Jobs with Justice fights for working people. It’s that simple.

Whether it means rallying to support workers facing anti-union harassment from their employer or joining allies to protect crucial public safety net programs like Medicaid, Cleveland Jobs with Justice is about SOLIDARITY.

When more of us start standing together, we can all start winning. By engaging with our allies and friends on a broad range of issues and campaigns, Cleveland Jobs with Justice pushes for militant action in the fight to protect working people, the services they need, and the rights they fought hard to win. We believe that sometimes you have to stand up, or sometimes you have to sit down, to win justice and dignity for working people.

Cleveland Jobs with Justice is an action-oriented organization working for social change. Traditionally, our work relates to a few different subject areas:

We fight for Economic Justice for all workers. We believe everyone deserves to make a decent living wage, and working people should never be living in poverty.

We believe in Comprehensive Immigration Reform.  We support local, statewide, and national campaigns to protect all workers and the efforts to stop deportations until Congress passes the necessary reforms.

We support Workers’ Rights, their right to organize in the workplace, and collective bargaining. We advocate for legislation that supports this right.  We also bring people together in local union fights where our collective strength is beneficial to a local union.

We believe in supporting and protecting Essential Workers who continue working to provide critical services during health and other declared emergencies.

We believe in a woman’s right to choose when or whether to have children.

As the corporate world continues to tighten its hold on our political and economic culture, a voice for working people is needed now more than ever. Cleveland Jobs with Justice is committed to being that voice for worker justice.

We engage with our allies on a wide range of issues, but these key issue areas are central to our work. Our coalition partners continue their daily work around these issues, reaching out throughout the community, the state, and some even nationally.  One thing we do know, when we come together, our voice is too loud to ignore. In whatever campaign we engage in, the demands are the same - respect, dignity, fairness, and justice for all people.

One thing we do know, when we come together, our voice is too loud to ignore. In whatever campaign we engage in, the demands are the same - respect, dignity, fairness, and justice for all people. Our Membership Organizations, various labor, community, and faith organizations in Cuyahoga County and Northeast Ohio area are officially affiliated with Cleveland Jobs with Justice and participate on our Steering Committee. If you are an organization interested in joining our growing list, please connect with us by calling our office at 440-333-7007.

Contact us

14500 Lorain Avenue #110005 Cleveland, OH 44111



General Inquiries

Meet our leaders

Executive Committee

The leadership body of Cleveland Jobs with Justice is the Executive Committee, which consists of two co-chairs and five board members who represent the membership organizations in our coalition. The Steering Committee makes all major decisions of the coalition with each member organization having one vote. Our coalition also employs a director who is responsible for the day to day and general operations of the coalition.


Rev. Sala W.J. Nolan Gonzales, New Community

Committee Members

Larry Bresler, Executive Director, Organize!Ohio

Sandra Ellington, Executive Board Chair - Cleveland, SEIU Local 1

Mark Milko, Area Director, Chicago Midwest Joint Regional Board of Workers United

Maria Wilkinson, Community-at-Large, Americans for Democratic Action


Deb Kline, Director
Cleveland Jobs with Justice

Download a copy of our bylaws here.

All photography provided by Deb Kline